I recently explained how I toss out my Gas Coupons because I don’t have a vehicle in which to use my 45 cents per gallon discount. She replied in the form of a glare, so thick and sharp that it felt like a laser-eye decapitation. She then explained how she feels itchy on the inside when she walks into a store without a coupon nestled in her money hungry fingers.
I have since carefully secured and handed over such precious coupon-tastic commodities to my boss, for fear of life and limb.
In light of my bosses creepy obsession with unholy discounts, I found out that there is a website packed full of online shopping coupons that could keep my sweet-deal-searching-supervisor happy for quite awhile, and maybe a little less itchy.
Keepcash.com has coupons for everyone, even a Lexmark from Circuit City for 53.98! Oh, snap! How about 10% off of any washer and dryer set from Sears?! That could add up to quite a discount, ladies and gentlemen.
If you happen to be itching for a whole lotta good coupons for retailers you likely have bought from at least once, then Katie highly recommends Keepcash.com.
And what Katie recommends, you feel compelled to love. It's true.